छत्रपति शिवाजी लोक नीति शिक्षा केंद्र (Chhatrapati Sheevaaji Lok Neeti Shiksha Kendra)

About Centre :

The Centre for Public Policy Education aims to act as an interphase in between public policy and education in the context of India to facilitate evidence based policy making, policy education, capacity building, consultancy services, and exploring the linkages for projects, collaborations with institutions, ministries, government bodies, global organizations and organize a high-level events for extensive real-world policy experience, sensitization and better social transformation and to further produce knowledge through a dialogue on how public policies are manufactured, disseminated, implemented and governed; it goes to explore alternative visions of socio-political and educational practice for the wellbeing and welfare of people across communities.

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Updated on: 25 July 2023 10:30 AM
Number Visitors: 2762870